Rainbow Vision

by Jackie Ryan
Buy the Original Painting
48.000 x 36.000 x 1.500 inches
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Rainbow Vision
Jackie Ryan
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
This large-scale painting started out as a commission that would say and emote: YES! I began this commission as I was preparing myself for a month in India. The word, “YES!” (which you can still search out in the now background) was taken over by a swirl of colors as the excitement of travel and spiritual seeking took me into a rainbow trans. I decided to let the channel stay clear and not force the image in it’s original direction, so the YES! painting emerged on a different canvas on the other side of India. I'm grateful that plans never turn out how you think, and paintings have a life of their own. Starting with a YES! and morphing into rainbows that seek and share the abundance of effervescent light.
December 3rd, 2019
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